GM now headache bot from s1 and s7 now spreading in every server..the problem from 3years ago that should fixed always endure it for so long ..and GM pretend nothing happen to its gameplay untill several player retire because sick of fighting bot + clone + auto compensate that GM manage to close all new account creating in server 1 and 7..but the main problem is GM cant do anything to bot program and the question is will GM close new account creating bot to all server??...GM u should off the fire when its small,now the fire grow burn all ur server what u can do now GM?
some ppl feel compelled to use bots. GM shld fixed the gameplay and resources allocation, how come 1 country always get 2x more iron daily than other 2 countries? so many unfair system in this game.
this is a strategy game but the only strategy in this game is use bots and clones to trap others in their own country.