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Narrated Power Point Presentation LT

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Post time 2023-4-7 19:24:45 |Show the author posts only |Descending
If you're presenting or sharing a PowerPoint presentation, you may wantto narrate it yourself. That's an option that is available with the latestversion of PowerPoint.
You can use either the Record Audio tool or the new Record Slide Showoption. Both are great for adding voice notes to a slide one at a time, andthey offer a few different options for editing the narration.
In a narratedpower point presentation lt you use your voice to guide your audience through yourslides. This is the best way to get them engaged and improve their learningresults.
The new Record Slide Show tool allows you to add audio and videonarrations to your PowerPoint. You can also add a variety of other effects toyour slides and create interactive presentations.
To begin narrating, open your PowerPoint presentation and select theRecord Slide Show command in the Ribbon (it doesn't need to be clicked from thedrop down). A countdown timer will appear; wait a couple of seconds beforerecording starts.
In the nr51211470 week 7 Record Slide Show dialog box, you can choose your microphone and camerato record with. If you're recording video, you can also adjust the camerasettings to change the appearance of your camera in your slides.
Using animations tastefully in your narrated power point presentation isa good way to make it more dynamic and memorable. However, too much animationcan be distracting and take the focus off your key points.
It's best to complete your slides first, and then add the sizzle in theform of well-timed animations. It's also a great idea to use premium templatesthat nr50410921 week 3 reflective essay lt already include animations so you canget started quickly.
PowerPoint's Animation Pane will help you re-sequence your animationsfast! All your animated objects will have a small number next to them thattells you what order they'll animate in.
To re-sequence the animation, select all three icons on your slide againand then go to the Animation Pane. It's as easy as dragging them up and downthe pane until they're in the right sequence!
Transitions are a way to give slides more movement than just moving fromone slide to another. They are available in PowerPoint and can nr50410921 week 3 be added to some or all of your slides.
They can be used in moderation to add polish and visual interest to yourpresentation, but it is important not to overdo them. Adding too manytransitions can make your presentation look too busy and distracting to theviewer.
To apply a transition to a slide, select the slide in the Slides pane andthen click on the Transitions tab. You will see a gallery of differenttransition options that you can choose from.
In the Timing group, choose whether you want the transition to happenafter a mouse click or NR504 Week 3 Reflective Essay automatically after a certain amount of time passes.The Duration field controls how fast the transition will play; a larger numbermakes it go slower.
There are a lot of different transitions and animations in PowerPoint. Besure to pick ones that complement your content and message, and stay consistentwith the animation effects you use.
A narrated power point presentation is a type of PowerPoint presentationwhere you can record your voice walking through your slides. It can be a usefultool for teaching, or simply for sharing with others.
Fortunately, narrated PowerPoint presentations are easyto create and can be accessed by anyone using a computer with a microphone.However, you may want to use an audio recording app or a microphone with goodsound quality when narrating your slides. Before recording a script like Reflective Essay can be helpful to create a bestnarrated presentation.
In your Record Slide Show dialog box, select the microphone that you wantto use for narrating your presentation. Then, click Record to begin yournarration.
You can also change the default sound setting from Automatic to WhenClicked On. When you do this, your audio file will play only when a user clickson it in Slide Show mode.
The audio you add to your narrated presentation can be used to triggeranimated sequences or other sequences that happen on your slides. If you havethose set up, your audio will play right before the slide transitions occur,just like clicking the next arrow key or the forward arrow does. Making aproper reflectiveessay lt can help you achieve it.
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