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Possible Server Merger S49 & S51 The Truth

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Post time 2016-4-27 22:45:33 |Show the author posts only |Descending
Edited by UnCoSame at 2016-4-27 23:21

Dear GM

I have heard rumors about a possible server merger between s49 and s51. I am here to give my honest opinion about s51 and leave it up to your good judgement to make the decision. I do not know much about s49 but I know a lot about S51 being that I am one of the most active and strongest Wei players in the server. I will point out the true facts hoping it will help you make your decision.

Truth about S51
1- Wei n Wu are allies.
2- We allied because even with Wei n Wu ally, s51 Shu wins majority of the events due to their extremely high numbers of active players.
3- Most of the top 20 strongest players are Shu and they are all active
4- Out of the top 20 Wu has maybe only 4-5 are strong active players (replaced always by Upcoming new Shu) only and Wei has "maybe" 5-6 strong active players (Always replaced up n down from top 20 by new Shu) Rest strong players are Shu. (I am only talking about strong top 20 players)
5- During events Wei and Wu help each other, and we still LOSE since Shu out number is 3 to 1 even with combine forces.
6- Shu always farm at 50% exp on Wei and Wu at the same time 6-7 hours out of a full day.
7- Wei and Wu farms Shu "MAYBE" 2-3 hours total out of a day because there are just too many of Shu on at all time to push.
8- I truly believe if this merger favors Wei and Wu then it will make the server more fun and fair.
9- Shu players will not quit. Why? At least 20+ of them has spent $1000+ plus on their account. Wouldnt they spend more to catch up? Why would they quit when they already invested in something?
10- Wei and Wu also has high VIP players that spent $1,000+. By making it more fair and fun don't you agree that we would spend more money? I know I will. I myself is VIP7 and I know most of us will go higher to compete due to excitement and more an actual chance that Wei and Wu can catch up to how strong Shu is.
11- Most Shu players do not want this merge because they want to save money to keep on dominating S51. They don't want to work harder for it. Don't you think people in life or game has to work hard for them to enjoy?
12- If you choose to not merge you are helping 20+ active Shu players save money to make the 4 active Wei and 3 Active Wu spend more money. Honestly this is a business, isn't getting more money from 20+ players make more sense then 7-8 players?
13- Even if you do this merge and Wei n Wu becomes stronger. The 7-8 active Wei n Wu players such as myself will actually end up spending more money. Why? Because stronger S49 Wei and Wu players mean S51 Wei and Wu players has to keep up.
14- By you merging a strong wei n Wu server with our S51. You will be making the server more balanced, more fun, more fair and honestly speaking more profitable for the game makers. Because Shu will have to spend more, Wei n Wu has to spend more. And honestly we don't mind doing so.
15- Don't let people try to trick you by saying false things in order for them to keep things going easy for them. Make them work alittle bit, everyone knows them "leaving" server is a lie and a joke. They just want to be lazy.

16- S51 Shu always upgrade their country 1-2 weeks before the rest... That shows how much they win.
17- S51 Shu always come to our Exp Barbs and farms them while Wei and Wu sit eating rice watching Shu farms because we can't push them due to them out numbering combine wei m Wu 3-1.

Hope you make a fair and smart decision GM. I thank you for your time.









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Post time 2016-4-28 13:07:08 |Show the author posts only
Appreciated for your honest suggestion. This has been noted down and we'll take that seriously.








Rank: 1

Post time 2016-4-28 13:14:18 |Show the author posts only
you lose 1 thing unco, all that TOP 20 now is try to get stronger for higher rank,
if marger with s49, no chance we will at TOP 20,
and all our new player maybe change to other server, thign about that unco.








Rank: 1

Post time 2016-4-28 14:06:19 |Show the author posts only
Dear Unco

I am not usually the one to make such remarks but .. you must lie a lot in life if you really believe the list you gave here is what you say is "the truth". My comments as follows:

3 & 4 - Top 20 arena is equally split about 7-7-6 most of the times. At most 8-7-5 when 20th gets pushed out by 21st.. ALL the players here are active. NOT just shu. How else are they sitting on top 20 otherwise.

5 - Wu and Wei have been winning a lot of the events; city siege, expand, invest. Shu has slowed down significantly recently.

6 - Shu never farms Wu and Wei at 50% at the same time - 6/7 hours a day. This is a blatant lie. Shu hardly ever reaches Wu's 30%.

7 - Wu is always farming at Shu's 50% and 30% and also kill barbie plunders in Shu. Wei is less likely as they have to cross our borders from the top.

8 - Shu want fair for all, no alliance, every country for themselves - this is fun. Alliance between 2 countries and trading countries to win events, share mine, share everything is not. Isn't this called lazy? Arent you saving your money from spending on iron by doing such thing? This contradicts your vewi on how Shu likes to be lazy but we work for all our irons, also try prevent harvest etc. We do not sit there in PengCheng, Xiangyang, trading cities with Wu. We fight to death.

9 - Shu players will definitely quit. a handful of ppl are on vip 6 and 7 - GM would even know this. I do encourage some of our players to spend more so that we aren't so disadvantaged against 2 allied countries. But this will certainly stop if we are faced even more of a task with a bad server merge. It will be a never ending battle against stupidity.

10 - server merge you talk about here is garbage. We want to merge with a server which will ideally result in 3 kingdoms with no alliance and every country has good competition for themselves. But let me guess, wu and wei will continue to ally because wei / wu likes to dominate and spend less.

11 - Shu s51 does not dominate when wei / wu allied. We have hard time dispatch and harvest every day. Mid mine is impossible these days for shu when Wu and Wei guard the mid together.

12 - your numbers are seriously incorrect as stated, only a handful of ppl are vip 6-7 at max.

13 - illogical - according to your numbers, wouldn't the 20+ shu players then be spending more money to keep up with s49 server players? meaning that money spent would be less by Wu/Wei than Shu's 20+ if the server merged?

14 - Look a server merge is no problems. It is GM's decision. but ultimately doing a bad server will mean a lot of us "20+" shu players will quit as the game won't be enjoyable. We are not stupid to continue spending money on a game that is not in balance and not enjoyable anymore.

15 - by leaving the game will actually do me and others good in Shu so we won't need to spend so much time and money on this game in the future. In fact I have gotten lazy in my real job, if I quit, then maybe I can actually do some proper work in real life haha.

16 - Shu was able to upgrade earlier by this insignificant 1-2 weeks, because they were stronger in the early days and we coordinated our timing with players well to upgrade country. Not so much a reflection on how strong we are. Wei / Wu was able to upgrade their countries without any problems also recently.

17 - Another blatant lie. Barbs situated at Wei and Wu make it nearly impossible for shu to cross the borders and even access any cities the barbs spawn.

All GM needs to do is sit and watch s51 and will know that a lot of your views are far from "the truth".

See you on the battlefield Unco.









Rank: 1

Post time 2016-4-28 16:11:39 |Show the author posts only
Edited by Zhunge at 2016-4-28 16:17

This is how it looks during dispatch till snatch.
You might not like it jaceg but i never lie so i gave a picture to point the truth.
Iam not happy with this picture cause it shows that wei s51 is the small fish of the server but we have the Leonidas spirit and we keep up fighting.
Thanks for your time!!!
With respect,








Rank: 1

Post time 2016-4-29 04:28:40 |Show the author posts only
Edited by UnCoSame at 2016-4-29 04:55

Dear Jacu

As Mino posted the picture above, I would like to ask again if your going to sit there and lie about the entire thing? Two days in a row you guys reached Handan with 20+ generals farming to your heart content. This morning when I logged on I see you guys farming again. Some of your players were farming Quliang and even Guantao of xp barbs.

Since you seem like a dishonest person I guess I will have to take screenshots and post it for you like what Mino did. Picture is worth a thousand words. You also said Wei didn't have any problem upgrading? Only because Wu helped us blocked your 100+ general army..

You also sit there and cry about how alliances are not fair. Do you even know the real three kingdom history? The whole point of three kingdoms is that there are 3 sides to balance one side from becoming too powerful. The entire reason the Game Makers made this game is solely for the purpose of diplomacy and balancing one another. If you don't like the whole three kingdom system perhaps you should make a game call clash of two kingdoms and play it? Where everything is simple enough where you have one enemy and do not have to use your brian to make alliances or improve diplomatic relations? Just an idea for you buddy.

Now I'm not saying there should be a merger or not. I'm simply pointing out the facts of this server. Honestly Wei needs a lot more active players compare to Shu. Wu just recently got new active players but most are new and are rocking heroes like Zhu Rong... Dude I don't care if there's a merger or not, at the end of the day I just want this server to be more balanced. Have you ever wondered why we had to allied with Wu? It's cause there is just simply too many "active" Shus. Which isn't your fault or anyone's. It's great that you guys have a lot of active players. All im asking is to make it where wei have more active players as well. If this merger does take place and let's say Wei get's really strong, don't you think Wu and Shu will allie to balance like in the actual history? The difference between me and you is that if that ever did happen, I won't cry about it or threaten to quit the game because I can't be on the winning side. The entire point of this game is for the power to keep switching back and forth to no end. Let's say merger take place and Wu becomes too strong, don't you think we at Wei will reach out to you Shu and try to make alliance? (Honestly speaking you guys at Shu does not know how to handle diplomatic relations so most of Wei might rather die instead of allying with you guys) but still let's say S51 Shu had DIFFERENT players who knew how to actually play the diplomatic part of the game amd had friendly good people, don't you think Wei or Shu would reach out to balance the power?? Instead of complaining and fabricating the situation on S51, maybe you guys should start working on your diplomatic skills to improve the relations in order to get ready for the future? Like what it said in the "Art of war" (If an enemy is too powerful, find a stronger friend). If you were doing that I might actually respect you Shu players, instead of this.

As for the alliance between Wu and Wei, You can sit there and cry all you like about how it's not fair or this or that. But your arguing about something that is expected. It's like your upset and crying that people in your table is ordering General Tao chicken or Fried rice and not Pizza... But your sitting in a Chinese restaurant.. Does that make any sense to you??? Blance of powers will always shift through diplomacy, don't just sit there and complain. Your playing a game that involves diplomacy and building relationship even with the enemy. If you don't want the diplomatic part of the game, Then perhaps Clash of Clans or Clash Royal is more your style where it doesn't involve any negotiating or strategy?

Listen if you don't want the alliance then balance the servers with active players. That's all I'm saying. Or if the balance is tipped in Wei favor go allie with Wu, or if balanced is tip in Wu favor come allie with Wei. This way this three kingdom is an endless war. The "entire" point of the Romance of Three Kingdom Noval. Although Wei ended up winning towards the end due to diplomatic breakdown between Shu and Wu...

Your friendly Innocent Neighbor
General of Cao Wei








Rank: 1

Post time 2016-4-29 13:13:59 |Show the author posts only
Dear Unco

Your feedback is appreciated but you need to learn to be a little more diplomatic and less condescending. Mino does a good job at this, you on the other questionable. All you are saying is that I am crying about this and that, that is unfortunately not true and they are your baseless claims. I have rebutted to everything you have said with sufficient reasoning but I will do it once more for your understanding.

A picture taken throughout the day is not always looking like that - during harvest and dispatch mid and south is always taken by Wu and Wei. Shu players are active certain times of the day. I am probably one of the most active in this server and I can tell you I hardly ever reach 50% in Wu or Wei.

No I am not crying about any alliance - I would like to think we can have a server merge where things are balanced - ideally no countries have to rely on each other to defeat the strong one and that everyone has fair opportunity to win the events. Currently Wei obviously has least active players and I am not opposed to merging with servers who have stronger Wei - but what I protest is if there is alliance with wu / wei already. What would then become of Shu? U might only care about Wei right now, but I actually care about survival of all counties. so crying is another BS claim.

My reply to Mino was - I agree Wei allying with Wu. That has balanced the game but I am simply stating my views on next server merge NOT CURRENT SITUATION. Threatening to quit server? Another wrong claim - I am saying the game won't be enjoyable by many Shu players and there will ultimately alot of ppl quitting. That is simply a fact - NOT THREATENING TO QUIT. I am simply voicing many ppls views - it may come across like a threat, but it is simply a fact that will result in ppl quitting. The stronger ones may remain for hopefully what will be a better server merge, but a lot of ppl don't have that patience.

Your stance on Wei breaking alliance with Wu if they became far stronger and actually reaching out to Shu is questionable. Coming from a server where Wu was the strongest by far, Wei still did not want to ally with Shu and they would constantly farm at 50% in Shu and no help to iron harvest or dispatch. They simply enjoyed the easy work of 50% farming and being able to harvest north iron. But we won't get into this. It is hypothetical and no debates are required here.

I agree with the very last part of your reply. THAT WAS THE WHOLE POINT OF MY THREAD!
It is what might happen if we merge with another server where there is wu/wei alliance. Sure go for a strong Wei but where there is no alliance between Wu/wei.

Hopefully now you see where I am coming from. I treat and play COTK like it is a game. My family members are all still alive. I am not crying over stupid little things on this game at all.

Thanks for your time.

From your friendly Shu player








Rank: 1

Post time 2016-4-29 13:21:38 |Show the author posts only
Zhunge replied at 2016-4-28 16:11
This is how it looks during dispatch till snatch.
You might not like it jaceg but i never lie so i ...

Dear Mino

If that picture is from last night, then you and I both know why it looks like that...

Lets not make this an issue.

I trust you and unco understand the reason for my replies and note to GM. That is all.









Rank: 1

Post time 2016-4-29 14:47:21 |Show the author posts only
Dear Jaceg,
If i add pictures everyday all day long then the gms might shut down the topic here.
We are here ,well at least iam here, to inform about the current status of the server and if gms think that a merge shall take place to do their best and create a better balance for us all.
No need for arguements and to troll each other my friends here.
Have a nice day!!!
Yours faithfully,








Rank: 1

Post time 2016-4-29 19:24:22 |Show the author posts only
Who started this useless tread......wasting my time ready this shit!
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