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Author Replies Last post
trick/tactic greenbento 2015-9-13 92127 FockYerDodder 2015-9-15 19:09
block Ilidio777 2015-9-13 01188 Ilidio777 2015-9-13 23:10
KINGOFCLONE CREATE CLONE IN WEI AND WU FOR ACCUSATION Wumin 2015-9-11 71775 Souperman 2015-9-13 20:48
Polls COTK SHOULD HAVE 24HRS CUSTOMER SERVICE AND GM  ...2 Wumin 2015-9-11 124619 FockYerDodder 2015-9-12 23:30
EVIDENCE OF GM ONLY WORK OFFICE HOURS.. THAT INEFFECTIVE... attach_img Wumin 2015-9-9 71444 Wumin 2015-9-11 18:17
forgot my password andiijams 2015-9-11 11112 COTK-Chen 2015-9-11 16:39
ID ZHOAFREND zhugezai 2015-9-11 41390 zhoA 2015-9-11 16:30
Regulation on Clones  ...2 IwanSudjatmiko 2015-9-10 163528 xiaoxiannu 2015-9-11 15:45
Important Question, READ THIS attach_img  ...23456..7 MaChao 2015-9-9 6612022 FockYerDodder 2015-9-11 12:30
GM attach_img PanerBruno 2015-9-5 91963 Benromario 2015-9-10 20:59
anti clone policies axxis 2015-9-10 11172 alibaba 2015-9-10 14:11
save gm and save cotk Sbs 2015-9-9 81993 Hendry 2015-9-10 00:08
Polls WHY YOU PLAY COTK? Wumin 2015-9-9 21853 FockYerDodder 2015-9-9 22:48
HOT! Gem Packs are Coming! attach_img COTK-Chen 2015-9-9 31436 Wumin 2015-9-9 20:36
EVIDENCE OF SCREENSHOT OF SHU IDS BANNED Wumin 2015-9-9 01210 Wumin 2015-9-9 18:25
Please give me back my account  ...23 JaguBlith 2015-9-9 235482 alibaba 2015-9-9 18:01
who really runs this game? ude 2015-9-9 11158 KingOfClone 2015-9-9 17:32
I only have 2 ID, still got banned ????? Budzz 2015-9-9 21258 Wumin 2015-9-9 16:00
bot in server  ...234 Red225 2015-9-2 307829 Wumin 2015-9-9 15:39
UNLOCK VIP 8 account -clone policy-Lawsuit  ...2 Wumin 2015-9-9 143212 Wumin 2015-9-9 15:34

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