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The Beginner's Guide gameplay for newcomers - How to get to lvl 72 quick andrewwilliam3 2015-3-28 12448 allure 2015-7-6 08:22
clone account in s30 Wei. Joekennedy 2015-7-3 91981 OsHHHHHHHH 2015-7-6 00:30
RC not come to ACC aldryan1 2015-7-3 51686 aldryan1 2015-7-6 00:24
special inst/special insane? Seasparow 2015-7-5 41972 FanofBabes 2015-7-5 18:10
which server will s27 merge attach_img  ...23456..14 Into 2015-5-21 13028489 Seowseow 2015-7-5 02:10
wu-wei dead in s26  ...2 Benk 2015-6-30 103720 Seowseow 2015-7-4 17:04
please check this id GM attach_img  ...2 gonore 2015-7-2 123375 mayumi 2015-7-4 00:55
my gold vanished azure 2015-6-30 71528 azure 2015-7-3 22:43
The hell is happening Zukaino 2015-7-2 01418 Zukaino 2015-7-2 21:07
[ASK] Equip Attribute Explanation  ...2 H.Y.Cen 2015-6-30 186168 MaxC4D 2015-7-2 08:36
merger wei and wu in s26 GimikCurit 2015-2-8 62616 ZHAUYUN 2015-7-1 23:04
Polls chooice please  ...23 exoticzzs30 2015-6-24 278450 avalanche 2015-7-1 17:14
charge horcrux LCS 2015-6-29 31924 LCS 2015-6-30 23:32
difficulty in refining equipment Delvin123345 2015-5-25 61967 COTK-Chen 2015-6-30 19:20
About Two buffs Question attach_img jimmy1986 2015-6-29 11268 youyou 2015-6-30 01:14
Father's day Event FanofBabes 2015-6-28 21466 FanofBabes 2015-6-29 21:01
Thanks for merger wei S15 attachment sur 2015-6-27 71977 FanofBabes 2015-6-28 01:36
Polls MERGER WITH s30 and s27  ...2345 exoticzzs30 2015-6-4 4114944 Hishigi 2015-6-27 14:14
evaluating medal of honor FockYerDodder 2015-6-25 41615 Heyshellsucks 2015-6-26 18:44
generals become idle after death Daveltl 2015-6-26 01265 Daveltl 2015-6-26 16:14

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