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Fortumo !!!!!!! Raiya 2015-4-16 41698 Raiya 2015-4-18 00:01
I'm tired of Merger stonemanlz 2015-4-17 51731 DamnGM 2015-4-17 23:26
Boycott for Tourney forever? or quit forever? attach_img LaSer 2015-4-17 21693 butter 2015-4-17 23:25
[Share] My experience from Server Competition, AvatarAang, S25 saangAnwar 2015-4-17 01829 saangAnwar 2015-4-17 23:04
NO TOURNEY (17.04.2015) FOR SHU11/13  ...2 ody 2015-4-17 144672 LaSer 2015-4-17 22:42
[Forum] My experience of Server Competition Sherose S17 Sherose 2015-4-17 01783 Sherose 2015-4-17 21:00
[Share] My experience from Server Competition, S16,Oliver attach_img Biligen 2015-4-17 01505 Biligen 2015-4-17 20:50
Which hero should i fire? xcvqq 2015-4-17 61999 Trisula 2015-4-17 19:13
ID for Sale S7 Antonsetya 2015-4-17 11753 COTK-Chen 2015-4-17 18:45
Purple card liegemen hkt 2015-4-17 41800 tevin 2015-4-17 17:02
id MaChau s8 FOR SALE MaChau 2015-4-17 01566 MaChau 2015-4-17 12:24
FUCKING ID FOR SALE BECAUSE OF FUCKING HEYSHELL  ...2 ry4i7 2015-3-19 176280 Levantsarch 2015-4-17 01:12
Merger all server stopping mergee again and open new server Red225 2015-4-16 62394 Red225 2015-4-17 01:01
How is the support n game company for COTK ?  ...23 uuhh 2015-4-13 298170 uuhh 2015-4-16 21:40
the truth heyshell team revealed part 2 ry4i7 2015-4-15 21845 PanerBruno 2015-4-16 21:29
Pledge $0 income for GM no RC 15th Apr to 19th Apr Aptknack 2015-4-15 71902 PanerBruno 2015-4-16 21:28
the truth heyshell team revealed ry4i7 2015-4-14 62074 PanerBruno 2015-4-16 21:27
Sell ID, tired of heyshell service "talking truth" don't moderate down ry4i7 2015-4-4 32281 PanerBruno 2015-4-16 21:25
Sell ID,tired of heyshell "talking truth" don't moderate down part 4 ry4i7 2015-4-16 12092 PanerBruno 2015-4-16 21:23
Deleting Post is what u best in Arthur LaSer 2015-4-16 21631 PanerBruno 2015-4-16 21:23

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