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Combine and Sell attach_img sittree 2014-4-9 23650 thomaslist 2022-4-18 20:53
[System]Horcrux attach_img sittree 2014-7-29 97562 thomaslist 2022-4-18 20:53
[New Version]Special Hero H.Yueying attach_img COTK-Chen 2015-10-19 33245 Kiwi2021 2022-4-18 15:46
Have a First Look At Our New Version! attach_img COTK-Chen 2020-4-13 32527 pukatchu 2022-3-24 14:53
[New Version] New Function——Legends attach_img COTK-Chen 2016-11-29 44215 kubeo88 2021-9-13 18:09
[New Version]New Function——Ordnance attach_img COTK-Chen 2017-4-18 54294 kubeo88 2021-9-13 18:09
[Guide] Update New Version attach_img COTK-Chen 2019-11-21 83255 Kiwi2021 2021-9-7 13:03
[Guide]Recruit Heroes from Tavern attach_img COTK_GM 2013-10-31 95990 kubeo88 2021-8-5 17:29
[Guide]In-game Resources attach_img COTK_GM 2013-10-31 33885 kubeo88 2021-8-5 17:27
[System] Black List attach_img Athur 2014-5-7 12935 kubeo88 2021-7-5 17:44
[New Version] Seasons Function attach_img COTK-LA 2016-1-26 53497 kubeo88 2021-7-5 17:39
[New Version] Special Heroes attach_img COTK-LA 2016-3-15 34263 kubeo88 2021-7-5 17:38
[Guide] Update New Version! attach_img COTK-Chen 2021-4-8 52044 KenFellk 2021-5-26 08:59
[System]Details of Medal of Honor attach_img COTK-Chen 2015-6-8 75398 kubeo88 2021-5-7 15:56
[New Version]Gallant M.Chao attach_img COTK-Chen 2015-10-19 54415 kubeo88 2021-5-7 15:55
[New Version]Finger Guessing attach_img COTK-Chen 2015-11-11 53507 kubeo88 2021-5-7 15:53
[New Version] Reclamation attach_img COTK-LA 2015-10-20 43713 kubeo88 2021-5-7 15:52
[Guide]Get massive EXP by occupying cities attach_img Athur 2013-12-12 55800 kubeo88 2021-5-7 15:49
Tips for New Version attach_img COTK-Chen 2016-5-24 64474 VitalikRadin 2021-4-30 09:11
[Guide] Update New Version attach_img COTK-Chen 2019-10-11 62833 MarilynFox 2021-2-26 05:16

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