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NPC Map EXP Error 新人帖 attach_img Gembel 2013-11-28 32232 Gembel 2013-12-12 17:17
problem ? help me 新人帖 linh1087 2013-11-25 12327 Dudelove 2013-12-12 01:17
Often disconneted 新人帖 Dudelove 2013-12-12 02301 Dudelove 2013-12-12 00:59
Hero stuck in barbarian camp 新人帖 Hellstorm 2013-12-11 12439 Athur 2013-12-11 14:27
List of issues with IoS phone app 新人帖 attach_img LordCaoCao 2013-12-10 32690 Athur 2013-12-11 11:43
Bug Reports 新人帖 dsfds 2013-11-23 32782 Siafei 2013-12-8 03:28
Purchase problem 新人帖 Jjays2 2013-11-26 02411 Jjays2 2013-11-26 11:06
BustBradl - legion bug report 新人帖 GustBradl 2013-11-26 02339 GustBradl 2013-11-26 00:30
is server down? 新人帖 Tubby 2013-11-23 32856 greenleslie 2013-11-23 20:50
[Event]Submit Bugs to Win Prizes attach_img COTK_GM 2013-11-7 03484 COTK_GM 2013-11-7 18:22
Sell ID,tired of heyshell "talking truth" don't moderate down part 3 ry4i7 2015-4-15 02237 ry4i7 2013-4-16 11:12
the truth heyshell team revealed ry4i7 2015-4-14 02112 ry4i7 2013-4-15 18:50
Sell ID,tired of heyshell "talking truth" don't moderate down part 2 ry4i7 2015-4-14 02265 ry4i7 2013-4-15 18:50
How about bully report?  ...2 CaptJack 2015-4-3 105668 elva2104 2013-4-10 18:09
Sell ID, tired of heyshell service "talking truth" don't moderate down ry4i7 2015-4-4 02356 ry4i7 2013-4-7 11:33
this game is great ,the team behind it sucks ry4i7 2015-3-27 02621 ry4i7 2013-4-2 11:39
FUCKING ID FOR SALE BECAUSE OF FUCKING HEYSHELL ry4i7 2015-3-19 63371 Heyshellsucks 2013-3-31 18:28
TOP UP PROBLEM AGAIN !!!!  ...234 ry4i7 2015-3-14 3311977 IamNoob 2013-3-24 14:09

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