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Author Replies Last post
Rewards CC07 2016-5-10 11577 Birdwarne 2016-5-10 18:03
Can i sell useless awakening to get some tokens back Angels 2016-5-9 01500 Angels 2016-5-9 09:27
Possible Server Merger S49 & S51 The Truth  ...2 UnCoSame 2016-4-27 134516 Dyolox 2016-5-7 01:43
S.50 need a new merger please! Unbalance population Doe 2016-5-5 22060 Birdwarne 2016-5-6 10:54
Wheel/slot/egg event Aris3479 2016-4-30 21666 COTK-Chen 2016-5-3 16:03
Do something for food arif123 2016-4-27 31720 Antonsetya 2016-4-28 16:58
Possible server merger 49 and 51 JaceGG88 2016-4-25 92278 Zhunge 2016-4-28 16:09
Gold Consume History XiangYing 2016-3-29 42110 denymul 2016-4-28 04:20
S44 Merge Hawk282 2015-12-9 32109 MightyMen12 2016-4-22 17:40
Liegemen Aris3479 2016-4-22 41695 Angels 2016-4-22 16:05
Auto march sdlkjfsdlkfj 2016-4-21 11541 COTK-Chen 2016-4-22 13:41
Suit add init and increase the power Sbs 2016-2-28 72438 hatiPance 2016-4-21 19:19
s47 & s48 need one more merger to balance the game Nightwise 2016-4-17 21670 Lord-Visal 2016-4-19 18:28
WU s45 does not need merger MightyMen12 2016-4-17 21553 COTK-Chen 2016-4-18 10:06
GM pls merge s32 with s29 n s26 pls. i'mdeath 2016-4-13 31805 Dracoo 2016-4-17 01:58
The strong getting stronger & the weak getting weaker Aris3479 2016-4-15 41732 donjuan 2016-4-16 09:58
S7 needs help attach_img  ...2 bluedragon 2016-4-6 123977 booboo 2016-4-9 12:53
Food problem hatiPance 2016-4-7 11644 COTK-Chen 2016-4-8 16:43
Please increase resource to at Insurrection events attach_img Pone 2016-3-24 82331 Antonsetya 2016-4-6 17:01
SHU S3 IS THE SMARTEST COUNTRY IN ALL SERVERS  ...23 Venus9989 2016-3-8 206042 Antonsetya 2016-4-6 16:58

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