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Author Replies Last post
No gold from rating event attach_img Venus9989 2016-3-26 62430 Venus9989 2016-4-3 18:56
S3 best server ever Xiaomanne 2016-3-8 31871 BURLLL 2016-4-3 15:44
RO for vouchers raziljim 2016-3-23 21627 junulwilli 2016-4-1 22:36
Merger Ahdar 2016-3-31 11664 COTK-Keena 2016-3-31 13:20
Awaken x dun with this talent SLAYER MightyMen12 2016-3-21 62191 Tcottulysse 2016-3-28 12:45
Waitng for tranfer nation Xperia 2016-3-25 11633 COTK-Chen 2016-3-25 10:48
Auto Fight Needs Upgrading MsKitty 2016-3-22 82548 COTK-Chen 2016-3-24 20:11
Comprehensive consideration LCS 2016-3-22 21843 Birdwarne 2016-3-22 14:02
No event on HOLIDAYS LCS 2016-3-21 31711 Birdwarne 2016-3-21 18:32
Daily xp ranking Imadude 2016-3-20 11818 COTK-Chen 2016-3-21 10:50
transfer of Nations MsKitty 2016-3-17 72621 Mohd 2016-3-20 03:42
Transformation – suggestion how to solve constant food crisis attach_img  ...2 Corvinus 2016-3-14 145312 Corvinus 2016-3-17 16:44
need marger shu s29 ivanrava 2016-3-12 42109 noviart 2016-3-16 07:55
S44 Clone/Bot G.G 2016-3-10 22011 .XVT. 2016-3-11 23:56
S3 clone Xiaomanne 2016-2-25 52175 Xiaomanne 2016-3-10 17:12
Liegemen every 4hours reminder HahaGOd 2016-3-7 11623 COTK-Chen 2016-3-7 13:54
RARE Epic Liegement For FREE SUMMON attach_img  ...234 MaChao 2015-9-2 3111245 Venus9989 2016-3-6 03:52
SUMMON diandrow 2015-11-26 52215 diandrow 2016-3-3 14:04
Idea on Winning GOLD events on forum Venus9989 2016-3-3 21856 COTK-Chen 2016-3-3 11:08
Increase resource (silver, wood, and food) Magician 2016-2-25 52434 HouseVT89 2016-3-1 12:20

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