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Title: My concept for another Animal Crossing game [Print this page]

Author: Sunxuemei    Time: 2020-10-4 10:08
Title: My concept for another Animal Crossing game

Villagers in New Horizons Items Japan always were sweet, which later on this was adjusted and they became similar to what the japanese version is.

I want villagers who could be assholes. Or villagers who are their own people. Allow me to feel like those are real personalities, not just artsy cookie-cut satisfaction bots given for me to play with.

The English translation was not faithful at all into the first, but man was it great. Nintendo of Japan was so impressed that they re translated the translatSo my 60 year old dad plays Animal Crossing with me personally. Now, he excitedly told me that the villagers were calling him daddy. He thinks they adore him so much, they think of him as their daddy. I don't have the guts to tell him that I set up his nickname to"Dad" months back

My concept for another Animal Crossing game

The first No Man's Sky was one of my favorite games alongside Journey and New Leaf. This could be a dream come true for me personally

Yeah and nook is substituted purchase Elon Musk and the nokkling by 2 small Jeff Bezos with large heads!

Thread locked due to excessive toxicity and off-topic discussion in the comments.

I feel like it should've been locked to begin with. This is not to go against or encourage Biden, but politics simply don't belong into this subreddit. It is off subject, usually leads to only shit flinging from tons of people and is not what anyone comes for.

It had been posted with cheap Nook Miles Ticket the mod who frequently breaks the subs rules so it will not be removed.

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