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Title: 2 Country Code Phone Number [Print this page]

Author: sdfgh    Time: 2023-3-9 16:32
Title: 2 Country Code Phone Number
A country code phone number is a series of digits that represent a specific country or geographical region. When making an international call, the country code is required before the actual phone number. For example, the country code for the United States is +1, while the country code for the United Kingdom is +44.

Two countries with different country code phone numbers are Turkey Mobile Number List Australia and Brazil. Australia's country code is +61, while Brazil's country code is +55.

When dialing an Australian number from abroad, you would first dial +61, followed by the Australian phone number. For example, if the Australian phone number is 02 1234 5678, you would dial.

Similarly, when dialing a Brazilian number from abroad, you would first dial +55, followed by the Brazilian phone number. For example, if the Brazilian phone number is 11 1234 5678, you would dial.

It's important to remember that international calling rates can vary depending on your location and service provider. It's always a good idea to check with your service provider before making international calls to avoid any unexpected charges.

In conclusion, country code phone numbers are necessary for making international calls. Australia and Brazil are just two examples of countries with different country codes, and understanding how to dial these numbers correctly can help ensure successful communication with people from around the world.

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