Author: COTK-LA

[Forum Event] New Version--Want your suggestions

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Rank: 1

Post time 2016-3-26 15:30:53 |Show all posts
Edited by roxii at 2016-3-26 16:52

S44 JarumLiz

1. Liege Summon system need serious change. Currently Liege Summon takes 4 Hours, and it give us significant low amount of Iron and Gem. My Suggestion is remove those iron and gem or can liege add numbers for the times that haven't summon? (Like if  I didn't summon for 24 hours, when I want to summon, I can summon 6 times in a row). That way people don't need to set alarm for middle of night just for liege summon.

2. In hero Liege Combo arrange, there should be a button, which can remove all the Liegeman from targeted hero. That way liege arrange will be more effective.

3. Trinkets like Sachets are very annoying. Nobody use it from day one and its a waste of Chests. Can you make Jade (maybe different Lead Force) as the minimum trinket?

4. In equip bag, One Equip place = 100 Gold. Very expensive. If you want more gold, you should make like 6 Equip place for 100G. So, people will RC or save gold for it.

5. COTK need fund to run the game smoothly. We understand that and we RC even though this game is expensive compare to other becoz we love it
But I think you should remove Gold Traps. For example, we players Understand that "1 Gold = 10 Voucher" as basic rate. Currently the discount in Best Deal is 600Gold = 3000 Voucher. Which is no player would buy. If you make it 350 Gold = 3000 Voucher. I believe many people will buy it. And this include for Vendor shop also. Please note that, the regular RC players make most profit to the game. Not the one that would fall into gold trap.

6. The Discount event is NOT really a discount. May be you should fix the prices as I mentioned above. Discounted event should be more exciting that way instead of gold trap.

7. There should be a way to get more Star Lights. Even for VIPs, current Star Light are not enough. Maybe the easiest way is Double the current amounts.

8. For Non-Vip players, S-Iron is very rare. Since you introduced Chariot and Star Atlas system, there should be more way of S-Iron. Current update with Wine visit give S-iron and it is good but still not enough.

9. Food of course is a problem. You should double the Kill/Feat Chests or give Food rewards for those who kill more.

10. Auto Fight consume RO need adjustment. For example, if I want to use only 1 RO for auto fight, the hero should await at Capital and use RO when only 1 RO needed. If player choose consume RO max, it will be same like current auto and consume 2-3 RO as required. That way, players would have more play time. You may choose VIP level to activate it.

11. Add Redeem system to Trinket convert to boulder. Last time, my friend MISTAKE and convert his Lantern into Bowlder which is a great loss for a player. Just like Equip sell, Trinkets should be able to Redeem.

12. Another suggestion for food problem is you can make a quest chain of 25 stages and give Food as reward each time they pass the stage. That way more in-game time.

13. I know GMs may not like this but currently the SWOP for food to Silver is 16k. (Which is a joke actually.). Can you make it 1.6M for one time SWOP? Or maybe at least 320K per SWOP? That way people will fight over SWOP Limit city aggressively.

14. EGG Event should give non RC players at least one time smash of Golden Egg. Because in Wheel, everyone has equal chance, but not in Egg.

15. Can remove Silver in Explorer? We have enough silver.

16. King should have a Authority to disband Legions. Legions are very annoying and made by enemy spies in early stages and very frustrating thing that make people quit.

17. Last minute attack in Arena is making frustration. Maybe you should give a player Shield of (2:30 Min) after they got attacked? That way stronger player can get a chance to fight back.

18. More Special Heros.

19. More Food Reward for Hourly Reward. Should atleast 100K Food as minimum.

20. Last BUT not LEAST, AWAKEN Heros. Honestly speaking they are for VIPs, not for non-vips. And what I belived is this system is made to give non-vip players help to get Elite Instances easy. Current Awaken heros are not worthly to awaken. According to my post in forum about Awaken Heros, the only one awaken heros start from Zfei. GJ Awaken is good but not that good. Other awakens seem like a Joke. (And I didn't test it, I just talk from my opinions and share from other.) GMs make Xchu need 12000 Atoken to awaken Xchu at Level 135. Level 135, nobody, I mean NOBODY would use Xchu. I haven't reach that level to awaken Xchu yet so I don't know if he is deadly strong or not. But I'm sure if GM could make Awaken heros that can help players to get Luxun or Sunce, that would be more effective.  If this system is intended for non-vips to help pass Elite Instances, GMs should take suggestions from Players and Look closely into there. Because, currently, only HIGH VIPs can get advantage from the Awaken System.

I hope some of my suggestions would be helpful to the game and players. Long Live Shu44!








Rank: 1

Post time 2016-3-26 19:20:43 |Show all posts
My suggestion
1.please dont make new awaken again so many hero like in liege but u always make awaken.what happen in team cotk?
Missing idea we need new fresh hero not awaken. Dont  put in spesial hero.

2.please rise number of killimg chest and feat coz we need more food in new version i domt look cotk team make clear issue food. updte please add new castle

4.rise power of turret tower in gate so easy crush tower gate(tower in 50% only give damage arround 2k haha if u have troop 20k shott 10 times u died so weak tower.

5.vendor shop i hope u male 3 time free to refresh and cost refresh vendor shop from 20 gold to 5 gold if still not odea for issue food.








Rank: 1

Post time 2016-3-26 19:50:03 |Show all posts
S16 - SHU

Short Term Suggestions:
1). Change Landscape or view in war map. Adding new items such as new trees, new mountains, plains, waters and cities in War Map will make COTK looks "FRESH and COLORFUL".
2). Make Special Clothes or Suit For SHU/WU/WEI. For Examples all players in SHU will use Green's Color on their gens, WU with Orange and WEI with Blue. So the battles will look more 'real and exiting'.

Long Term Suggestions:
1). TAG TEAM CONTEST. 2 Players from same country combine their gen gens together againts other 2 players from same or different country on the same/different server. The term based on player level and init. i think the contest will be 'brutal, dangerous, tricky, and wonderful.
2). SERVER'S BIOGRAPHY CONTEST. Each players from every sever can try to join the contest by sending their server biography from emperor until kirk. The list including Name in game, Level, Gens or VIP / Non VIP. So, we can share informations from other server and knowledge especially for tourney. GM can also know their player or at least can become reference to find bot or clone.








Rank: 1

Post time 2016-3-27 02:20:32 |Show all posts
Ign IndoDjava s25
1.equip suit add up init
2.merger s25 wht s29&26
3.more chest in hg lv
4.Rc wht pulsa n enjoi this game thks to Gm n all player








Rank: 1

Post time 2016-3-27 06:33:10 |Show all posts
HuanWen S29

1. Revisit Gold Cost per Item. You been around over a year. It is a good time to output all data and examine which item that cost gold are people buying and which aren't. For those aren't maybe too expensive, cut it down in half and evaluate and if not do it again. You might net 30% increase. I for one would like extra storage but not at the price you have it at. Or increase the training xp from copper to silver. Currently its not even giving close to enough to be worth anything. Same goes to certain vendors and using vouchers. Your goal is to try to get people to spend more but like any retail online or brick or mortar you need to run sales better to engage customers more.

2. VIP Levels Change World Map walking boost to VIP 2. Again you want people to keep playing not bore them until they shell out like 50 dollars. Having to walk in the world so slow is a pain,  Also need to check your VIP bonus, what would entice me to go from VIP 9 to 10. Currently nothing. I didn't even want 9. Why should I want to buy crusade for 200g for the resource it gives? Spending is a habit, better bread crumbs.

3. Events - Do a poll and get players to see which events they want to keep, eliminate, and create. There are events like expand that takes 2 full hours to commit. You are making commit a lot of time which isnt bad but it is time to let us tell you which ones we want to keep doing.

4. Terminology - it is time to start making terminology the same or let us know what each thing is. After one year people still debating what common attack is!

5. World Chat free for Rank 1 and above officers.

6. Get rid of the glowing vendor shop each time we log in. We know its there, its not gonna get me to buy more if you dont make better deails!

7. Change asseige name. You can't name something your chat filters removes!








Rank: 1

Post time 2016-3-27 10:04:44 |Show all posts
Id : ThienLiang . Wu S45
1. Have resource for s iron..cause high level need alot of it and only voucher can buy s iron.
2. About assiege system..better GM have decide about rank and what the present cos become problem if need king to allocated
3. Please check about clone..and delete the id if GM found
4. More event for food...many of us always getting trouble about food








Rank: 1

Post time 2016-3-27 12:52:00 |Show all posts

1) If you decide that it will get players to be more committed to the game by having back-to-back events, you should seriously look into more food options for us. VIP8s can also run out of silver and ROs.
2) You created a thing called "Assiege" but filter it out because the first 3 alphabets is A S S? Kinda ridiculous.
3) Reduce the timing for long-winded events. 2hrs to defend 2 cities is utterly time-consuming
4) Increase the number of kills and feats chests with more resources. Including s-iron is even better. Rather than us relying only on crusades.
5) Welcome Expedition as one of the regular events though.








Rank: 1

Post time 2016-3-27 15:02:04 |Show all posts
Edited by Guantai at 2016-3-27 15:03

IGN: Guan-Tai
Server: s51

1. Create in-game riddle or trivia system related to the Three Kingdoms era, with questions appearing once per hour, to a max of 10 stored, and 24 daily.   Each question answered correctly gets a small prize (500 iron, 50 s. iron, or 5 voucher).   Larger rewards could be provided based on streaks, or number of correct responses each day. Example:

Which Character Slew Hua Xiong?
A. Zhang Fei
B. Lu Bu
C. Guan Yu
D. Cao Cao

Correct answer of C would receive the reward.  

Once 10 questions are answered correctly each day 100 vouchers are rewarded

Once 20 questions are answered correctly each day 250 vouchers are rewarded

Once 50 questions are answered correctly each day 1000 vouchers are rewarded (purchase via gold required to achieve)

Additional questions can be purchased for 5g each








Rank: 1

Post time 2016-3-27 17:31:05 |Show all posts
IGN:: Nagato
1 please more hero exchange by voucher like all terrain and plain ass ! hard to get from wheel event !
2 more feat chest or killing chest !








Rank: 1

Post time 2016-3-27 18:43:02 |Show all posts
IGN narazayna
Server 7 United Front
Please more voucher and more token. And more card in summon. Thanks.
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