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What is powerlifting?

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Post time 2023-1-20 02:23:25 |Show the author posts only |Ascending

When I talk to peopleabout powerlifting, they often confuse it with Olympic lifting andbodybuilding.A look at this often overlooked sport reveals some of theconfusion surrounding it.
What is powerlifting training?
Powerlifting is asport that consists of three exercises: squats, bench presses and deadlifts.The goal of the sport is to lift as much weight as possible in 3 lifts whilefollowing all the rules.
Powerlifting differs in many ways from Olympic weightlifting(sometimes called oly-lifting), and the two are very different sports. Olympiclifting has two of his exercises: the snatch and the clean and jerk. Bothexercises require a lot of skill and technique to succeed as they land theweight overhead. Raw power is more important than technique in powerlifting.Bodybuilding, on the other hand, is different because it is all about sculptingthe body and muscles.Bodybuilders often have no power at all because the sportis all about aesthetics rather than power or strength.Powerlifters Although youcan gain big muscles as a result of training, it's not the main focus and manypowerlifters don't look classically "athletic."
Benefits of powerlifting training
Powerlifting has manybenefits beyond building strength. Heavy lifting increases bone density andreduces the risk of bone fragility and osteoporosis. And because the compoundmovement works every muscle group in the body, it improves coordination anddevelops larger muscle groups than a single exercise. As your muscle densityincreases, you'll burn more fat at rest, so you'll lose weight without eventrying. Being stronger overall reduces the risk of injury in other sports suchas running and cycling, and translates well into other aspects of life such asclimbing stairs and hiking.
Is powerlifting an Olympic sport?
Powerlifting is notan Olympic sport and is often confused with Olympic weightlifting. However, theParalympics do powerlifting. At the Paralympics, a powerlifter only completesthe bench press, considered the ultimate test of upper-body strength, with someathletes able to press three times her body weight or more. This is amazing. Maleand female athletes with the following eight acceptable physical disabilitiesare eligible to participate.
·       muscle weakness
·       limited passive range of motion
·       missing limbs
·       leg length discrepancies
·       short stature
·       Hypertonia (muscles that are so tense that theybecome stiff or difficult to move)
·       Ataxia (a term for a group of disorders thataffect coordination, balance, and speech)
·       Athetosis (a condition in which abnormal musclecontractions cause involuntary writhing movements)
Many physical disabilities such as cerebral palsy, spinalcord injury, lower limb amputation and polio also meet current minimumeligibility criteria and athletes with these conditions can safely and properlycompete under the rules of World Para Powerlifting. can. All eligible athletesparticipate in one sport class, but in different weight classes.
Bench press is a single discipline of sport with 10different categories based on weight. Athletes must lower the bar to the top oftheir chest, hold it still above their chest, straighten their elbows and pushit up to arm's length. The athlete he tries three times, and the athlete wholifts the most kilograms is the winner.
How are powerlifting competitionsconducted?
Anyone can participate in local or regional powerliftingcompetitions. To qualify for national or world competitions, you must reachcertain totals in your age and weight divisions. There are differentpowerlifting federations across the country and around the world, withdifferent weight classes. The governing body for powerlifting is the IPF. Theresults are based on what is called the Wilkes score. This score takes intoaccount both weight and weight lifted to give a fairer score, as heavier peoplecan generally lift more than lighter people. small.
Shortness is often an advantage in powerlifting because thelevers (arms and legs) are shorter, leaving less space to move the weight. Ahigh rate also increases weight, putting you at a disadvantage compared tolighter but stronger athletes, so you need to find the right balance.
There are two types of powerlifting, he says: with andwithout equipment (often called "raw" powerlifting). While thislimits movement, it also greatly aids lift. Bandages and lifting suits/shirtsare therefore only permitted in special equipment competitions. Knee wraps,wrist wraps and slings may continue to be worn in non-equipment competitions,but they must be of a specific approved type. Some federations don't even allowknee wraps, so check the rules before competing. Belts are practicallyrecommended in all powerlifting competitions as they protect the back andreduce the risk of injury when lifting very heavy weights.

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