Edited by fatboyd at 2015-5-18 16:41
I would like to say getting Zhou Yu is relatively easy compared to other special instance such as Gjia and Luxun.
Ok stats required to charge through the 10 stages and get the genius Zhou Yu as per below:
Lvl 11 – 4
Lvl 10 – 2
Armament: 107, 107, 81, 69, 60, 60
Equipment: 1. Minimum 1 full set 4* immu equipment if not combine with 2 lvl5 immu with another lvl 5 attribute. 2. Lantern 20/20 – 2 and 3 jade. Lantern give to Xc, Gjia Tsci or Ganning
Heroes to be deployed or used: 1. 1. Dwei 2. 2. Gjia 3. 3. Mchao/XHdun 4. 4. Xc 5. 5. Tsci/Ganning 6. 6. Zthai
Average atk required: 4 – 4.3k Average def required: 1.9k – 2k Hero Foster:80% - 90% full for all 3 atk def and troops.
Horcrux: Storm 20% the rest 12%
Formation used for10 stages in Genius Zyu Map: 1. Dfeng – Line Up: XChu, Dwei, Tsci, Gjia, Xhdun 2. X.sheng, HGai, C.Pu, L.Tong, L.Meng – Line Up: XChu, Dwei, Ganning, Gjia, Xhdun 3. Ganning – Line up: Xchu, Dwei, Tsci, Gjia, Xhdun 4. Tsci – Line up: Xchu, Dwei, Tsci, Gjia, Xhdun 5. Sun Ce – Line up: Xchu, Dwei, Tsci, Gjia, ZThai 6. Zyu – Line up: Xchu, Dwei, Ganning, Gjia, Xhdun
Key Points: 1. You may have difficulty in the water stages from x.sheng until L.Meng. Hardest would be L.Meng so you may want to switch your gjia around to block 3 and 4 gen or 4 and 5 gen. For me I use the latter strategy to pass. Key would be using Ganning since he has high block rate and has water terrain tactics. 2. The hardest stage in this map is TSCI stagewhere you may need xc/tsci to block one of the gen. 3. Use the heroes based on the hero TerrainTactics. If you do notice Dfeng and TSCI stage is plain terrain, X.sheng untilL.Meng and Zyu is water terrain and Ganning and Sunce is City terrain. Hencewhenever water terrain switch to Ganning and if plains terrain switch to tsciand if city terrain switch to zthai. For ganning stage I did not switch toZthai as I pass with ease. If you have any difficulty passing then just switch toZthai and you should be able to pass that stage with ease.