Greetings my lord, As the weekend comes, we have planned very special events for you.
Event 1. Top up 1500 gold, get additional 1500 gold Duration: 00:00 – 23:59 May 24 2014* Servers: S1- S12 Details: Players, who top up 1500 gold between 00:00 to 23:59 on May24, can claim additional 1500 gold in the “Event” in game. Rewards: 1500 gold Note: 1. Please just pay attention to “Event” in game. You can see an event named “Additional 1500 gold” in game when the event starts. 2. Claim your rewards before it ends.
Event 2. Challenge and get rewardedDuration: May 24 – May 25 Servers: S1- S12 Details: A true warrior values glory and honor above life. Challenge your enemies and win the duel! During the event, players strike/lure and win the duel battle will be rewarded. Rewards: Win 50 duels, can claim Wood * 50000, Food * 50000 and 10000 Iron. Win 80 duels, can claim additional Wood * 100000, Food *100000 and 20000 Iron Win 120 duels, can claim additional Wood * 100000, Food *100000 and 20000 Iron Win 160 duels, can claim additional Wood * 150000, Food *150000 and 30000 Iron Win 200 duels, can claim additional Wood * 200000, Food *200000 and 50000 Iron Note: If you win 200 duels, you can claim all the rewards that isto say , you will get Wood *600000, Food * 600000 and 130000 Iron.
Event 3. Weekend GiftsDuration: May 24 – May 25 Servers: S1- S12 Details: Weekend gifts are sent by King’s Rewards. Check it during this weekend! Rewards: Note: 1. Claim the rewards before they disappear. 2. Only those above lv 60 can claim the gift.
Event 4. VIP GiftsDuration: May 24 – May 25 Servers: S1- S12 Details: Our VIP members can claim additional gifts during theweekend. Rewards:
Note: 1. Only VIP members and above lv 60 can claim therewards. 2. Gifts are sent by King’s Rewards.
Event 5. Facebook like EventDuration: Ends at 23:59 May 25 Details: GM will post a special status on COTK Facebook Page. If the status likes reaches 3000 at the deadline, we will send players a special gift. Remember to click “Like” button to gain likes. Try to share the status to collect more likes for us. Rewards: 50 gold for players over lv 60 from S1 to S12 and over lv 30 from S13.
We hope that you enjoy these. Let’s get massive resources during the event period. 