Edited by sittree at 2014-7-11 19:01
To celebrate the World Cup finals ,Our COTK Team will decided to hold an Special Event .
For the final "Germany vs Argentina",Who does not know which team can become the champion.so we prepare double Plans for this finals
If Argentina win ,we will hold the Plan A! If winner is Germany ,PLAN B!
World Cup Final Event-----Plan A For Argentina If Argentina win, we will take the celebrate event---Plan A Duration:15/07/2014 Serve:S1-S16 Details: Players, who top up 2014 gold on July 15, can claimArgentina Goals*250 gold in the game. For Example, if Argentina 4-2 Germany, player who top up 2014 gold, can reward 4*250=1000 gold. Note: 1. Please just pay attention to “Event” in game. 2. Claim your rewards before it ends.
World Cup Final Event-----Plan B For Germany If Germany win, we will take the celebrate event---Plan B Duration: 15/07/2014 Serve:S1-S16 Details: Players, who top up Germany Goals* 500 gold on July 15, can claim Germany *200 gold in the game. For Example, if Germany2-1 Argentina, player who top up 2*500=1000 gold, can reward 2*200=400 gold. Note: 1. Please just pay attention to “Event” in game. 2. Claim your rewards before it ends.